Cacao circles and workshops offerings are on the way.. Cacao products & e-shop release soon.

About cacao

Cacao - Theobroma Cacao means “Food of the Gods”

Cacao has been used as a medicine for thousands of years. All cacao comes from Theobroma Cacao, a native tree to South America. The Cacao bean was first discovered by Mayans' and used in many cultures ever since. It is believed by the Mayans to be a way to ignite Divine wisdom and love within.

Cacao fruit and seeds (beans) grow in pods on the trees of Theobroma Cacao species in tropical environments (parts of Africa and India, Pacific, Indonesia, South America..). During harvest, pods are opened and seeds are removed, fermented – Cacao beans loose their fruit hue, become dry and develop a brown colour. The Cacao bean itself contains Cacao powder and butter.

Ceremonial grade cacao is made from one ingredient – whole cacao bean. Cacao beans are fermented, lightly roasted or sundried, the husk is then peeled and the beans are ground down into a paste which will become solid at cooler temperatures. Cacao paste and ceremonial Cacao are the same, so why do we call it ceremonial Cacao? Because of the intentions. We chose to make our Cacao from the paste, drink it for its healing benefits, make ceremonies and include Cacao drinking in our self care rituals.

Cacao is a plant spirit. Cacao is a heart opener, guides us on spiritual journeys and helps calm our nervous system. It’s a gentle medicine, supports healing process and helps clear the emotional blockages as well as stimulate the joy within. It will improve your concentration, congition, clarity and creativity. Cacao can help control blood sugar and supports heart health.

Cacao is a superfood!

✻ It is packed with antioxidants, Vitamin A & C, plant based Iron, magnesium, beta-carotene, lutein, selenium, lycopene, manganese, zeaxanthin, flavanols, calcium, fiber, protein, natural carbohydrates, cholesterol-free saturated fat

✻ Lowers inflammation and improves gut health

✻ Increases “bliss chemicals”, helps alleviate depression - PEA (phenylethylamine), serotonin, tryptophan, tyrosine

✻ Caffeine – theobromine is a chemical that has a similar structure to caffeine, but the difference is that instead of being a nervous system stimulant like coffee, theobromine dilates the cardiovascular system that results in opening up the blood vessels and a sense of alertness and relaxation at the same time. It helps the soft muscle tissue relax and has mild diuretic function. Theobromine is exclusively found in Cacao. It is a gentle and long lasting stimulant, unlike caffeine.

How to prepare Cacao

Traditionally, ceremonial Cacao is made by hand with a wooden device called molinillo and it’s a beautiful & meditative process.

Here are 2 ways to prepare your cup of Cacao

✻ With blender – simply put all ingredients together – 20-40g finely chopped Cacao, 150-200ml warm (not boiled!) water or plant based milk (Don’t use milk as dairy is known to neutralise the active antioxidants in Cacao!) and if you would like add sweetener and spices of your choice and blend it all together

✻ More meditative method in a pot – in to 150-200ml water or plant based milk add 20-40g finely chopped Cacao and if you would like add sweetener and spices of your choice and blend it all together – whisk on low heat, make sure that it never boils (Boiled water will make your Cacao more creamy as it melts butter in the Cacao but changes its molecular structure and the way our bodies are able to absorb its nutrients and consciousness effects tend to be milder!), make sure you will whisk it a lot as the Cacao tends to settle on the bottom of the pot. By whisking you will achieve melted Cacao and creamy consistency.

Spices you can use (don’t be scared to experiment) : Himalayan salt, cayenne pepper or chilli pepper (they are traditional synergist and provides a good tickle. Add more if you like, less if you don't. Finely powdered cayenne does not need to be strained. Chili stimulates circulation and helps get the Cacao into your bloodstream, but it isn't mandatory. On a vibrational level, according to the plant spirit medicine literature, the red warming stimulation that the chili provides acts as a spiritual accelerator), cinnamon, cardamom, ginger...

An optional sweetener: maple syrup, date paste, raw sugar or honey

Cacao & me

I was introduce to the Cacao couple years ago by my friend, visited many Cacao ceremonies and circles. Since then I was just falling deeper and deeper in to this medicine and magical world. Drinking Cacao become my daily selfcare ritual, something I enjoy with my partner, when I travel, when I am alone, with my colleague during team buildings, with my friends.. It just become part of me, my healing journey and part of my life. Cacao was here, supporting me while I was trying to heal, helping me stay creative and positive during hard times and it is still here to hold me when I need it the most. I was so hungry for information and searching all over internet and social media to know more, did couple of online courses and completed Cacao emissary training under Cacao Ambassador in Christchurch. And I am so ready to share this beauty and love with more people.

Some exciting things are on the way..

To order Cacao please email me on : with subject “CACAO” and I will get back to you asap. Or feel free to pop in at my studio, there is Cacao in stock :)

T. cacao, leaves, fruits and seed. A. Bernecker, 1864.